Thursday, January 18, 2018

The differences between Luciferianism and Satanism

While the two groups do have a lot in common, Luciferians view themselves as separate from Satanists.

From the Luciferian viewpoint, Satanists are primarily focused on the physical nature of man, exploring, experimenting and enjoying that nature while rejecting endeavors to rise beyond it.

Satan is an emblem of carnality and materiality. Luciferians view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened being. And while Luciferians do embrace the enjoyment of one's life, they accept that there are greater and more spiritual goals to be had.

Many do see Satan and Lucifer as being different aspects of the same being, the carnal, rebellious and material nature of Satan vs. the enlightened and spiritual Lucifer.

Luciferians do not particularly see their acts as rebellion, but rather are motivated by their own merits. If they believe in a literal Lucifer, they pay him/her respect rather than worship, acknowledging he/she has many things to teach rather than finding themselves subservient to him/her.

Luciferians put more emphasis on the balance of light and dark.

Satanism and Luciferianism are both highly individualized philosophies. There is no single set of beliefs, rules or dogmas for either group. However, some generalities can be made.

In general, both Satanists and Luciferians: Talk about human beings as gods, having mastery over themselves and the planet.

Satanists and Luciferians support creativity, excellence, success, freedom, individuality, and enjoyment and reject dogmatic religion.

Sharing sets of ethics, some of which include showing respect to those who deserve respect and leaving people alone who have caused them no grief.

Both of these groups are considered left-hand paths, which is focused on self-determination and the power of the self, rather than right-hand paths which submit to a superior force.

While Many Satanists and Luciferians do believe in a supernatural power, they see their relationship as more of a partnership, ''never subservient.''

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